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Make your website secure with SSL Certificate

Home SSL Certificate

SSL Certificate

Having a website without proper security hampers your credibility. The customers won’t prefer doing business with you. And Google won’t consider you a reliable business.

This is why having a verified SSL Certificate is so important for your website. An SSL certificate prevents the data on your website from getting hacked.

How it works

An SSL certificate has two parts: public key and private key. The information on your website is encrypted by the public key. The private key deciphers that information.Through an SSL handshake, a secure session begins that ensures integrity and privacy of the message.

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Benefits of SSL Certification

Frequently Asked Questions

  • An SSL certificate is like a secure lock for your website. The hackers can’t steal the information of your users if your website is secure. A user won’t enter his personal information on a website if the sign “Not Secure” appears in front of the URL. Plus, you can’t expect to develop an authority in the digital world if your site isn’t secure.
  • Yes, an SSL certificate expires once its validity is over. The validity period is 1-2 years from the activation date. You need to connect with your SSL service provider after it expires.
  • Google and other search engines give preferences to the websites that are secure. And having an SSL certificate tells them that the users can browse a site securely. This is why SEO experts emphasize SSL certificates so much.
  • The latest versions of popular web browsers show a “Not Secure” message in front of the URL if there is no SSL certificate. Or if a certificate has expired. Use this technique to check the validity of your certificate.
  • No, you need not require a new certificate if you change your IP address or web server. When you migrate to a new server, you have to reinstall the private key and the certificate. Your service provider can help you in this process.
  • You will get a standard SSL certificate within a few minutes of application. Just make sure the information you are providing is correct. It takes 3-6 days to issue an extended validated (EV) or organization validated (OV) certificate. Connect with our SSL experts for more details.

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